MOTTO: (am 15.01.2021, ng)
"Heute habe ich nichts erreicht, ausser..."
Dieses alte GASTSTUBE° Sprichwort kaut mir heute mehr denn je das Ohr ab. Es nagt an meiner Seele und meinem Gemüt und ich denke, jetzt nicht mehr, jetzt oder nie, jetzt muss etwas geschehen, endlich es geht so nicht weiter!!! - und weiter gehts mit dem immer selben Ohr - das Ohr auf das ich mich lege.
school of perception
der virtuelle Proberaum von GASTSTUBE°
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Bitte neu formulieren!

I write a manifesto and I want nothing, yet I say certain things, and in principle I am against manifestos, as I am also against principles (...) The principle: "love thy neighbor" is an hypocrisy. "Know thyself" is utopian but more acceptable, for it embraces wickedness. No pity. Ever after this carnage (WW1) we still retain the hope of a purified mankind. I speak only of myself since I do not wish to convince, I have no right to drag others into my river (...) I am against action; for continuous contradiction, for affirmation too, I am neither for nor against and I do not explain because I hate common sense. (...) Some people think they can explain rationally, by thought, what they think. But that is extremely relative. Psychoanalysis is a dangerous disease, it puts to sleep the anti-objective impulses of man and systematizes the bourgeoisie.The dialectic is an amusing mechanism which guides us / in a banal kind of way / to the opinions we had in the first place.

Per fare una poesia dada (Tristan Tzara 1920)
Prendete un giornale.
Prendete le forbici.
Scegliete nel giornale un articolo della lunghezza che desiderate per la vostra poesia.
Ritagliate l'articolo.
Ritagliate poi accuratamente ognuna delle parole che compongono l'articolo e mettetelo in un sacco.
Agitate gentilmente.
Tirate poi fuori un ritaglio dopo l'altro disponendoli nell'ordine in cui sono usciti dal sacco.
Copiate scrupolosamente. La poesia vi somiglierà.
Ed eccovi divenuto uno scrittore infinitamente originale e di sensibilità squisita, anche se incompreso dal volgo.